
Posts Tagged ‘Pan Seared’

Salmon is good brain food. It is rich in omega 3 fatty acids which helps to boost the brain’s capabilities. Tomorrow is back to work day and I am truly excited (sarcasm cleverly injected – i really mean bummed) . So what is the  most natural thing for a guy to do after a four-day-weekend where all he did was slug around lazily like a newly initiated zombie from “Night of the Living Dead”? You guessed it; I cooked me some pan seared salmon Jamaican style to fuel the brain and get me ready to tackle the many challenges at work for the coming week. Check out the pix below and if you are interested in the recipe email me.

Here is the Salmon after it is pan fried.

Then You make the gravey (That’s one bubbling Gravey).

 And the finished product has the gravey poured over the salmon… I paired this with some Jamaican style basmati rice… hmmmm yum yum

There you go – now that is what I call food for thought

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