
Posts Tagged ‘Blizzard 2010’

It’s snowing and not even a mouse is stirring in the streets. Since I have lived in New York, this is the first time I have seen so much snow. Is it global warming or just a random weird weather event? Regardless of what it is, it is very pleasant and you have to admit, the streets are a lot cleaner. Here are a few photos that will give you an idea of what is happening in New York City. Stay in and if you go out – stay warm.


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Winter time in New York City is usually sunny and furiously cold. The winter chill goes right through your coat and soaks into your bones. Today was a bit different. It was snowing very hard, the sky was light gray, but it was a bit cozy. I went outside for a bit and snapped this shot of my neighborhood in Brooklyn. You would not believe that just a few meters away is a street filled with restaurants, bars, cofee shops and subway that takes me straight into the City in 15 minutes.

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